Dear friends and family,
Brrrr – the winter, she is here! After all that unseasonable wet weather, the winter has come early to us. We anticipated that and made sure our little darlings are nice and cosy. Thank you to those that helped on that side.They are all well and, boy, do they ever LOVE basking in the warmth of the sun.
The Urn is ready for filling hot water bottles. We have one flask only and could use a few more of those. We thank you and deeply appreciate every bit of help.
If anyone has any towels or linen that they don’t need, please do contact us. Tinned food is particularly useful while all this load-shedding continues.
Other than protecting them from low temperatures, of course, it’s a time to increase the protein in the monkeys’ diet. With costs of everything soaring around us, it sure as heck does not make it any easier for we animal lovers .We really have become dependent on the kindness of loved friends and contacts. Any small contribution helps us every day to ‘keep the wolf from the door’. And our little mites don’t want to hear about a ‘wolf’ or a ‘door’, they just expect us to meet every need they require. They are not short of getting love and intense caring, but it’s the stuff that money can – or can’t – buy that places us under such challenge day after day.
Any bit of support you can offer will be appreciated. Thank you, thank you…and may the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you…
Keep yourself well wrapped up. Keep the viruses at bay. Be kind and caring, for that is the best way to deal with life’s many challenges. We love you all, we really do.
Yours Most Sincerely,
W. Macleod and the Monkey Team.